
Tracker includes its own bundled runtime Java and open-source video engine Xuggle. You can always use a separate JRE to run Tracker by choosing it in Tracker Preferences.

1. Install Tracker (includes Java and Xuggle)

  1. Download the tracker installer for your platform (Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux) from Tracker's home page at
  2. Follow the Installer Help instructions at

2. Launch Tracker

  1. Windows: choose the Tracker item in the Start Menu.
  2. OS X: double-click the Applications/Tracker app.
  3. Linux: search for and double-click the Tracker application.

3. Upgrade Tracker when new versions are released

  1. When a new version is available, a notification is displayed on the toolbar. To upgrade, click the notification and choose Upgrade Now from the popup menu. For more information about the new version, choose Learn More.
  2. Upgrade notification Upgrade notification button--click to show popup menu

  3. Most upgrades are instant: the new version or upgrade installer is downloaded and launched immediately. Some upgrades may require that you download a new installer from the Tracker website. Upgrades may include Tracker itself, Java, Xuggle and/or other components.

Congratulations! To start using Tracker, see getting started.